

Flightshare provides a mechanism for companies to share excess seat capacity on North Sea helicopter flights. Sharing companies are required to have at least one contract in place with a service provider (Offshore Helicopter Services UK Limited; Bristow Helicopters Limited; CHC Scotia Limited; and NHV Helicopters Ltd) and, once signed up, may share flights with companies holding contracts with the respective service provider.

Flightshare provides the legal mechanism for such shares by establishing the legal matrix between sharers and providing provisions for appropriate payment and indemnities in the unfortunate event that there is some form of incident.

As with the other parts of this website, LOGIC provides the Administrator’s services by signing-up companies, holding records of the signatories and ensuring continued service provision. You will find further guidance and information on how to sign-up throughout this section of the website.

The Flightshare Deed 2021 is effective from 1 April 2021.